Our ideals are founded on the following pillars, which stem from the essence of our real religion and work to help our youngsters internalize its teachings as a firm foundation:
Offering a curriculum of the highest standards.
Encouraging each student to expand his special abilities and skills.
Establishing and developing enjoyable, secure spaces for Dimashqiah Bilingual Nursery community.
Providing guidance and support to all of our students' learning and growth, including their spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual, and physical needs.
Educating a student who is capable of using the language, skills, and methods of science.
Early identification of talented students and effective use of their talents.
الكشف المبكر عن الطلبة المحتاجين للدعم الأكاديمي الخاص، وتخصيص برامج خاصة لتأهيلهم للاستمرار في طلب العلم مع أقرانهم.
تعريف الأطفال أصول دينهم، وتبصيرهم بالقيم والأخلاق العامة، وتدريبهم على الاستمرار في ذلك من خلال العبادات والمعاملات الحسنة.
Improving the acquisition of intellectual skills, moral principles, and optimistic attitudes necessary for leadership engagement in the growth of the State of Kuwait and our shifting global environment.